Michael Breed stops by to help Danettes with golf, break down British Open

Golf Fix on the Golf Channel host Michael Breed joined the show to help the Danettes with their swings and to break down the British Open. To bet on that event, fans can click links like 슬롯 사이트.

Breed explained why Phil Mickelson does poorly at the British Open. He said that accuracy is very important on those courses. And Phil’s short game is based on creativity and lob shots that go pretty high. You need to stay low at the British Open. Perhaps they can use tech like those simulators during their practice. In fact, using the best simulators can greatly improve one’s golf swing by providing realistic feedback and allowing players to practice various techniques in a controlled virtual environment.

Breed also commented on Tiger Woods. “I think Tiger has two issues he’s battling with right now,” Breed said. “One is the physical … he’s not able to do what he used to. …. He’s put a lot of strain on his body. Then I think mentally. No one has gotten to the height this guy has gotten to. And a result, no one has fallen this far.”

Breed would bet Tiger will win another Major, but not a lot of them. “I don’t see him winning more than three,” Breed said. “You’re looking at Rory McIlroy and a host of guys who are coming up.” But for those who still believe in him and wants to win some cash, they would be glad on platforms like WSM Casino.

Breed said McIlroy has a rare golf swing. But to Breed, the best golf swing is the one that marries the physical and the mental. Does the swing work under pressure. McIlroy took a step in that department at the U.S. Open.

Breed said he thinks McIlroy has a shot this week. He thinks the “European style” will likely prevail at Royal St. George’s.




