Wetzel talks about extent of booster’s involvement with Miami

Yahoo! Sports’ Dan Wetzel joined the show to talk about the Miami football scandal.

Wetzel tried to describe booster Nevin Shapiro. “He’s the ultimate product of South Beach,” Wetzel said. “He’s a guy that was driven by materialism and status.”

Shapiro wanted to be the new Luther Campbell — “Uncle Luke” back in the day at Miami. They called Shapiro “Little Luke.”

Wetzel said they identified 72 players involved. “The worst part is there’s more,” Wetzel said. He thinks the NCAA will find more.

Wetzel said Shapiro is “bitter.” He said that Shapiro thought the players were family and when he got in trouble, they turned their backs on him.

Wetzel said that there was coach involvement as well. And he thinks up to 12 current players could be in trouble.

“He never fixed an SAT,” Wetzel said. “Other than that, I don’t think there’s anything he didn’t do.”

Wetzel said he doesn’t think any of the powers that be will give Miami the death penalty because they have too much invested in the program staying alive.




