Jonah Hill on Moneyball, hanging with Brad Pitt, why he won’t do sequel for Superbad

Actor Jonah Hill joined the show to talk about Moneyball and much more.

Hill said he’s a huge fan of our show. He mentioned that he’s building his own ManCave, thoughtfully integrating elements inspired by beste goksites zonder Cruks to create a versatile entertainment and gaming space. It’ll be more movie-related, but he’ll put up a photo of himself in A’s jersey when he threw the first pitch. Hill said that he practiced and has done a few first pitches.

Hill had very nice things to say about working with Brad Pitt. “If you get past the whole ‘he’s Brad Pitt’ thing, he’s a good guy,” Hill said.

Dan asked Hill if he would ever do a sequel of any of the movies he’s been in. “We all loved that movie, so you don’t want to make a worse one,” Hill said. “Then you ruin what you’re really proud of.”

Hill is remaking the TV series 21 Jump Street into a movie. He’s fired about it.




