Calipari: One-and-done rule needs to be changed
Kentucky coach John Calipari joined the show to talk about his season and more.
Dan asked Calipari how many one-and-done players he has this season.
“Probably three players will have the opportunity,” Calipari siad. But he didn’t know if they would chose to go to the NBA.
Calipari tried to debunk the theory that the one-and-done system is his rule. “I can’t stand the rule,” Calipari said. “One year is not what this should be about”
Calipari said that there isn’t much the NCAA can do. “Billy Hunter and the [NBA] Players Asscociation own the rule.”
Calipari really thinks that people need to get together and fix this. “It needs to be changed,” Calipari said. “It’s not a good rule.”
Calipari said that the NBA will never allow players out of high school to come into the league, because they couldn’t evaluate the talent and blew a lot of money.
Calipari thinks that the NCAA should encourage kids to stay in school by picking up the tab on players’ insurance. And Calipari is for a stipend. Dan asked how much. Calipari said “four or five thousand.”
Dan asked Calipari who is more advanced for a college player: Anthony Davis or Marcus Camby? Dan said that Davis as a freshman is where Camby was as a junior. Calipari said that after he saw Davis, he texted Camby and said “I just saw another you.”
Dan asked Calipari if Demarcus Cousins is a coach-killer. Calipari said no … and his wife would slap Dan for even saying that. Calipari said he gave the Maloof brothers this advice: “You have to coach him like he’s 19-years-old. Because that’s what he is.”