Darren Rovell says Yankees not for sale
CNBC’s Darren Rovell joined the show to talk about the latest big sports stories and more.
Dan asked Rovell if there’s anything to the rumor the Steinbrenners are going to sell the Yankees. “It’s totally not true,” Rovell said. “There’s nothing going on.”
Rovell also weighed in on I’ll Have Another and the state of horse racing. He said that the best thing for the sport would be for I’ll Have Another to stay on the track for a year or two. But the owners risk a lot of money by not going straight to the stud phase. “It is actually cost-prohibitive for the horse to be on that track,” Rovell said.
Dan asked Rovell what the best NBA Finals matchup is for the league. “Miami and Oklahoma City is probably the best-case scenario now,” Rovell said.
Rovell tried to explain why the Spurs don’t resonate. “It just seems like the Spurs have been labeled boring,” Rovell said.