Peter Gammons on Melky Cabrera, Roger Clemens
MLB Network’s Peter Gammons joined the show to talk about the big stories in baseball.
Dan asked Peter which MLB suspension surprised him more — Melky Cabrera or Bartolo Colon? He said that Melky surprised him more. Gammons said he’s afraid that Melky may have endangered his career.
Dan asked Gammons what he thinks of Roger Clemens’ return. “I think he just satisfies his curiousity,” Gammons said. “Hopefully he has a piece or some friends have a piece of the Sugar Land team.”
Gammons doesn’t think he’ll pitch for the Astros or anywhere in MLB.
Dan asked Gammons if he thinks he’ll get into the Hall of Fame. “I think he gets 35-4o percent of the vote [on the first ballot.] He’ll get enough to stay on the ballot.”
Gammons thinks about eight years in, Clemens and other guys linked to PEDs will start to get in — possibly in a separate wing of the Hall.