Lyrics to new Darius Rucker song Catfish
Here is Darius’ live performance of Catfish
Lyrics by Paul Pabst
Performed by Darius Rucker
He’s in the back row…during the DP show
Booking them guests….man is he stressed…
His name is Todd Fritz
To Fritzy’s surprise…right before his eyes
Jennifer Love…sent him a note…
And promised him a prize…
But it never showed….no no no…It never showed…
Fritzy was Caaaaaaaaaaatfished….If he had only one wish…
A pic from Jen….come on girl…don’t be so prudish…
The perv got Caaaaatfished!….but it’s not over
One more email by him..and Jen may file a restraining order….RESTRAINING ORDER!
The Booker got Catfished….man that girl is curvy.
Jen please send…Fritzy a pic…so he can treat it like the Elway jersey…The Elway Jersey…..
(soft ending)….Fritzy got catfished…..catfished….