David Shaw on Stanford’s old-school style, Andrew Luck ‘nerding out’

Stanford coach David Shaw joined the show to talk about the Cardinal’s season and their style of football.

“We’re dinosaurs,” Shaw said, “because we have a fullback and a tight end … let alone multiple players at those positions. But we like it.”

Dan asked if it was harder to recruit because they play a more old-fashioned style. Shaw said not at all. Shaw says offensive linemen love coming there. And there are many positions that Stanford has produced NFL players at — like quarterback and tight end.

Shaw also confirmed that Andrew Luck is a tremendous nerd, and said he can “nerd out” for hours on things like World Cup soccer. Shaw gave great examples of how Luck was a great team player — one game where he didn’t get to pass much but was thrilled because he made all the right run-checkdowns.





