Rodney Harrison says he expects to have CTE-related symptoms
NBC NFL broadcaster Rodney Harrison joined the show to talk about the big stories around the NFL. Here are some of Harrison’s takes:
— Harrison said when he watches the game now, he is taken aback from the violence. “I’m scared to death,” Harrison said. “I don’t now how I did it for 15 years.” Harrison said that he knows a lot of former players are having serious issues. “That’s something I’m afraid of to a certain extent,” Harrison said. “Would I do it over again? Yes, I would.”
Harrison said football has been good to him and he’ll just have to deal with CTE if he has it. He does think he has some form of CTE-related damage. “I know I probably do,” Harrison said. “I try to keep my mind and my body active.” He said he’s doing a lot now and doesn’t think about it, but in the future he’ll definitely look into it.
— Dan asked Harrison today’s poll question: would he encourage or discourage his son to play football.
“I wouldn’t do either,” Harrison said. “My son has been playing football since he was 6. … They know if they want to be involved in an activity or a sport. They’re old enough at 9 or 10 to know. …. I wouldn’t try to encourage him or discourage him.”
— Dan asked Harrison if it was fair for the Chiefs to go after Petyon Manning’s ankle injury. “Of course it is,” Harrison said. “It’s football.” Harrison said if he knew a wide receiver had a sore shoulder he would attack it.
— Harrison said he’d look at the Chiefs differently if they win. He said right now everyone says they haven’t beaten anybody yet. But if they beat the Broncos, that will change.
— Dan asked Harrison if the Colts are a Super Bowl contender. “No, I don’t think they are,” Harrison said. “Losing Reggie Wayne is too big of an obstacle to overcome.”