Al Michaels on his beloved L.A. Kings

NBC broadcaster Al Michaels joined the show to talk about his Los Angeles Kings reaching the Stanley Cup Final.

Michaels said he grew up a Rangers fan and now is of course a huge Kings fan. He said he wants this Cup even more than he did a couple of years ago when L.A. won it.

Michaels had some interesting comments on what makes for a great game to call. He said he didn’t expect the Steelers-Cardinals Super Bowl to be a great game but it was. He said he thought the 1989 Earthquake World Series — A’s-Giants — was going to be great, but it turned out to be a blowout on the field.

Michaels also weighed in on an NFL team in Los Angeles. Michaels said that he’s hearing that people consider the Clippers deal an outlier, and that won’t help get a team in L.A.




