Kevin Costner on impact of Field of Dreams, Bull Durham
Actor Kevin Costner joined the show to talk about the 25th anniversary of Field of Dreams.
Costner said it doesn’t seem like 25 years. “It’s a good reminder if you do something good, it can last,” Costner said. “You realize the art form does allow for something to travel through time. If it does, it gets the cool word classic.”
Costner said that he was convinced to do the movie with the script. He wouldn’t have done it based on a pitch. He had to read the script.
Costner weighed in on the “Do you want to have a catch.” He said he used to say “play catch” with his Dad. Costner said he and the director had to talk about it. “It was a term that was unfamiliar to me,” Costner said.
Costner also looked back on Bull Durham. He said that he had no idea Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon were going to be an item. He also said the romantic bath scene at the end was actually tough because they had too many lights on.