Judd Apatow: LeBron James as funny as any comedian
Producer, writer Judd Apatow joined the show to talk about his new movie Trainwreck and more.
He talked about how great LeBron James was in the movie. “LeBron is funny as hell,” Apatow said. “If you spend time with him, he’s as funny as them. He’s not just doing a cameo. He’s one of the stars of the movie.”
Apatow commented on the other sports personalities in the movie. “Marv [Albert] is not as good an actor as LeBron James,” Apatow said. “In the movie he looks like Marlon Brando, because it’s all about directing.”
Apatow also talked about the art of comedy. He thinks comedies are harder than dramas and should win the Oscar. “It’s much harder to make a comedy than a drama,” Apatow said. “A drama is just a comedy without jokes.”
Apatow had interesting remarks on the works that inspired him.. He was a big Caddyshack-Stripes guy and loved Saturday Night Live. He idolized Bill Murray but doesn’t necessarily want to do a movie with him because he doesn’t want to make the crappy Bill Murray movie.