Curt Schilling says he’s not racist of homophobic

Curt Schilling discussed being fired from ESPN and defended claims against him. Here is part of their conversation …

CS: I don’t have a racist bone in my body. I never have. At this age given where I’ve been and what I’ve done I think if I did it would be a public thing. The other thing is people who are actually racist and homophobic actually will admit that they are racist and homophobic by the things that they say and do . My son is a big part of that community, my youngest son. I don’t care. Doesn’t matter to me.

DP: What do you mean part of that community?
CS: He is actively involved in the LGBT community. And it is a very important thing to him. And you know I’ve had kids who are transgendered, I’ve had kids that are all sexual preferences at 15, 16, 17 [years old] coming in and out of my house. I don’t care, they’re good kids. I’ve never ever cared. And anybody that knows me knows that. This what I’d tell you when you’re in a place where people are calling you things you know you are not …. you know that the wires got crossed really badly somewhere.




