Ralph Macchio talks about movie career, DWTS

MacchioActor Ralph Macchio joined the show to talk about joining the cast of Dancing with the Stars.

Macchio said he won’t take the Crane out of his back pocket. He said the athletes like Hines Ward and Sugar Ray Leonard have an edge.

Macchio said that The Outsiders holds a special place because he had read the book as a kid and he was just starting out.

Dan asked Ralph who he thought was going to be the biggest star in that movie. He said Matt Dillon was probably the guy at that time who stood out above the rest of the stars like Tom Cruise, Rob Lowe, Diane Lane, Patrick Swayze and more.

But Macchio said Karate Kid is of course a special thing for him as well.

Macchio said he hears all the great lines from Karate Kid. He said if he’s a Jets game they start chanting “Put him in a body bag.”




