Justin Timberlake talks about LeBron, SNL and golf

Justin Timberlake joined the show to talk sports and movies.Here are some of his takes …

— Timberlake had interesting comments on LeBron James. “Every time I’ve ever hung out with LeBron he’s as nice a person as I’ve met,” Timberlake said.

— Timberlake said that was the first time he met Lady GaGa on Saturday Night Live last weekend. But he said that she was really nice. He really respects her and doesn’t have a problem with her borrowing from Madonna and others.

“I’ve been accused of borrowing from a lot of my influences as well,” Timberlake said.

— He talked about about the genesis of the Lonely Island skit they did about three-ways with Lady Gaga on SNL. He said he sits with Andy Samberg and the Lonely Island until they’re tired and loopy.

— Timberlake talked about golf with Dan. He’s a 6 handicap. Timberlake said that he owns a course in Memphis. It was going under and him and his family bought it. He then hit a drive on the show. He said it was 278, but it didn’t sound like that.




