Todd Fritz’s Theo Epstein headlines
Todd Fritz came up with some headlines for Theo taking over the Cubs:
Poison Ivy…..Theo Has Itch to Win, But Won’t
Chicago Flubs….Bringing In Epstein Doesn’t Guarantee Ring
Gum-Balls……Theo Must Show Guts With Wrigley Contracts
Start-man…..New President of Baseball Operations Can’t Wait To Begin
BAAAAD Choice?……Can Theo Handle Being Billy Goat If This Doesn’t Work Out
Saving GRACE……Will Epstein Rescue Cubbies?
RYNE And Dandy…..Second City Ready To Come In First
Rub-A-Dub-CUB…..Will Theo Clean House?
So Far, SOSA Good….Chicago Likes What It’s Hearing From New Prez
Less Is MORELAND….Theo Will Let Team’s Play Do the Talking
New Regime Is Up DAWSON’s Creek
Don’t REUSCHEL To Buy World Series Tix Just Yet
You The Bart-man
Cubs Were Best SUTTER For Theo
Cubs Will Win World Series?….Have You Gone MADLOCK
Hot For Bleacher…..Theo Wants To Sit With The Bums