Pat Forde doesn’t think this season will change BCS; will vote for Griffin for Heisman … for now
Yahoo’s Pat Forde joined the show to talk about the big stories in college football.
Forde said that he roots for anything that shows how ludicrous the current BCS system is. He said this year’s title game is a mess, but he’s not confident it will affect change.
“They’ve survived some of these unintended disasters before,” Forde said. “Time and time again we’ve seen flaws in the system and they put a Band-Aid on it and something else pops up.”
Forde said today he’d vote for Robert Griffin III for Heisman. “It’s a hard vote,” Forde said. “I’m going to have to really study it.”
Forde also commented on Urban Meyer taking the job at Ohio State. Forde said that Ohio State can now use Meyer’s ties in Florida to recruit, but they still have challenges. “The Big Ten is still fighting uphill against the SEC,” Forde said.