Bob Griese comments on perfect season, Tom Brady and Joe Namath

Hall of Famer Bob Griese joined the show to talk about the upcoming NFL season and talk about his book, “Perfection.”

Griese talked about holding on to being the only perfect Super Bowl team. Griese said he called Tom Brady and said he was rooting for him during that 2007 season — he just wanted him to lose one and then win the Super Bowl.

Griese looked back at Brady’s career at Michigan. He was there with Bob’s son Brian. Bob said that Brady almost left Michigan and it’s interesting that he came out of a program that up until that time had not used the passing game.

Griese was once part of a quarterback tandem and commented on the Jets’ plan to use Mark Sanchez and Tim Tebow. Dan asked if he would go for that. “Bottom line,” Griese said, “if we win and it helps us win, I would be for it.”

Griese talked about his relationship with Joe Namath. He liked him very much. But Bob said he never went out with Joe. Griese said he was from a small town and wasn’t interested in Namath’s style of going out.

Griese commented on Ryan Tannehill starting for the Dolphins. Griese said that you can do that today in the NFL because the college quarterbacks get so much experience.




