Jimmy Graham explains why Sean Payton has made such a difference, says LeBron could take his job
New Orleans Saints tight end Jimmy Graham joined the show to talk about their win over the Dolphins last night and what it’s like to have Sean Payton back this season. Here are some of Graham’s takes:
— Graham said Payton has “been more fired up then he’s ever been” and explained why they’re a different team with their coach there. “He doesn’t let any mistake go unnoticed. He demands everyone do their jobs at all times. When you don’t, he lets you know it.”
— Graham explained why Brees seems to be better with Payton there. “He and Drew have a great connection,” Graham said. “Him making the calls and Drew believing in it 110%. It really has been awesome.”
— Graham said Brees wants to get in the end zone every drive and is really upset if they ever end up with a field goal. “He’s all business,” Graham said. “He comes to the huddle and he demands that nobody lets off the gas peddle.”
— Dan asked if Graham, the former Miami basketball player, could play in the NBA right now. “The best I could be is probably [Heat big man Chris Anderson],” Graham said. “A guy looking to be physical.”
— Graham thinks LeBron James would be a great NFL player: “He would be a man. If there’s any player in the NBA who could come and be a complete superstar in the NFL, it’s LeBron.”