Overheard at the Bar after the show
Dan and the Danettes went to get beer and wings after the show. Here’s a few snippets of what you might have heard if you were there:
Seton: Woh, this is the new Decembrists song playing. I love the hook on this song.
Dan: Oh yeah, I just picked up the album the other day.
McLovin: You guys into Mike and the Mechanics?
Dan: Shut up Andy.
(Taking off his Buzz Lighyear band-aid on his slightly injured thumb)
Dan: No more blood on here. Must have bled out. Lucky I maintained consciousness.
Paul: What’s the most embarrassing concert you’ve ever been to?
Seton: I’d have to Queen Latifah.
Paul: That’s not that embarrassing.
McLovin: That would have been my answer for coolest concert.
Paul: Save it.
(Right after Seton threw down the credit card to pay and actually signed the slip)
McLovin: Oh, shoot, I wanted to pay this time.
Dan, Paul and Seton told several stories we cannot repeat.