Tony Stewart: People who say drivers aren’t athlete don’t know what they’re talking about
NASCAR star Tony Stewart joined the show to talk about Golden Tate’s Tweet that NASCAR drivers aren’t real athletes.
Stewart said that Tate doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Stewart said that the G-force and physical pull on your body are remarkable for drivers. And they don’t get timeouts. Stewart said someone like Tate wouldn’t like it if he was in the car.
Stewart said he understands why people would think it’s a different kind of athleticism. But he said NASCAR drivers face some real tough challenges. He actually played baseball in high school.
Stewart and Dan talked about vintage cars as well. Stewart said the most he’s ever spent on a vintage care is $155,000. But his most prized car is his “Smoky and the Bandit” car.
Stewart said he doesn’t know who’s going to win the Chase this year. He said Jimmie Johnson is of course a major factor. But there are a lot of guys who are in contention. “I think it’s too early to tell, honestly,” Stewart said.