Kaplan says Cubs tired of Zambrano drama

CSN Chicago’s Dave Kaplan joined the show to talk about Carlos Zambrano’s suspension.

“He’s a tremendous guy in the community in terms of charity work,” Kaplan said. “And he’s respected by a lot of his teammates. But they’re tired of not knowing what to expect on day’s he pitchers.”

Kaplan said the organization is sick of not knowing which Zambrano is going to show up.

Kaplan said that Zambrano told him that he did not hit Chipper Jones on purpose the other day. He said he threw cutters, not fast balls. If he was going to hit someone, he’d throw a fastball.

On Jim Thome, Kaplan said he was a “Hall of Famer person, Hall of Fame player.”

If you want to hear the whole interview with Zambrano, check out CSN Chicago’s Web site.




